Marsden Metals and Waste at the Northland Field Days

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Hopefully you were one of the lucky visitors to the Marsden Metals and Waste site at the Northland Field Days where you might have guessed the weight of the Bale of Aluminium Cans.

The weight of the Bale was 103 kgs. There were two people who guessed correctly so MMG decided it was only fair to present both the winners with a BBQ.

The winners were: Cole Campbell (in photo with Bruce Abernethy, Trading Manager at Marsden Metals and Waste) and Aleisha Cleaver. (Alesiha said it was her 4 year old daughter who actually guessed the weight). Congratulations to you both.

Marsden Metals and Waste is a family owned Northland business. Gordon (Ngati Kahu) and Janine are the founders of MMG and have been in the Metals Recycling, Demolition and Waste Bin industry for more than 50 years. You will still find them working 7 days a week in the business that they love.

Marsden Metals currently operates two sites in Ruakaka and Dargaville but has trucks collecting Scrap Metal and delivering Skip Bins from Bream Bay through Whangarei and the Far North.

If you didn’t get to the Field Days and you would like some advice, the best service and pricing for your farming or commercial scrap metals then give Bruce a call on 0800 33 66 73.

Bruce (pictured above) is the son of Gordon and Janine and has more than 20 years experience as a Metals Trader. Bruce returned home from Australia last year to live in Ruakaka and help Gordon and Janine continue to grow the family business.

Likewise if you need a waste skip bin for your Easter Clean Up, then give Richie a call on 0800 33 66 73. As we head into winter, now is the best time to clear your farm, business and backyard before it’s too wet to get the trucks in!